Yeah, that’s what I say when I hurt myself or something doesn’t go right. NOT! In many circumstances, the only thing that will do is to let a good expletive fly. I don’t really have a problem with that; I mean, the words roll off your tongue so nicely. Not that the adults in my life were setting a bad example, mind you. No, during my formative years, my dad was very careful around us; and one of my mom’s rules was “if you don’t have anything nice to say, say nothing at all. [Boy that was a toughey sometimes…]
But, I must admit that since about my sixteenth birthday, I have been a big fan of shall we say “colorful language.” Not that I’m necessarily proud of that—or of the fact that I’ve apparently passed that trait on to my kids and grandson. But I’d rather the occasional F-bomb than words of hate or derision. I think I taught them to accept others for who they are and not the surface stuff. So, yeah, I’m okay with the curse words.
Of course, I think we should all educate ourselves to some of Shakespeare’s curses—dude could really put down. When one of the Bard’s characters curses someone it’s inventive—and scary too.
Here are some examples:
Yeah, that’s what I say when I hurt myself or something doesn’t go right. NOT! In many circumstances, the only thing that will do is to let a good expletive fly. I don’t really have a problem with that; I mean, the words roll off your tongue so nicely. Not that the adults in my life were setting a bad example, mind you. No, during my formative years, my dad was very careful around us; and one of my mom’s rules was “if you don’t have anything nice to say, say nothing at all. [Boy that was a toughey sometimes…]
But, I must admit that since about my sixteenth birthday, I have been a big fan of shall we say “colorful language.” Not that I’m necessarily proud of that—or of the fact that I’ve apparently passed that trait on to my kids and grandson. But I’d rather the occasional F-bomb than words of hate or derision. I think I taught them to accept others for who they are and not the surface stuff. So, yeah, I’m okay with the curse words.
Of course, I think we should all educate ourselves to some of Shakespeare’s curses—dude could really put down. When one of the Bard’s characters curses someone it’s inventive—and scary too.
Here are some examples:
Thou viperous hell-hated misbegotten-divel!
I scorn you, scurvy companion. What, you poor, base, rascally, cheating, lack-linen mate! Away, you moldy rogue, away! [now tell me THAT'S not impressive]
So, so, thou common dog, didst thou disgorge thy glutton bosom.
So, so, thou common dog, didst thou disgorge thy glutton bosom.
Would the fountain of your mind were clear again, that I might water an ass at it.
[I think this is my favorite]
So much more original than wishing someone a sexual experience……For more fun, click on the title of this post to link to a “Shakespearean Curse Generator” website. Have Fun.
Hey, Ellen, email me at rwellsfischer (at) hotmail.com -- I don't think I have a good email for you, and I need to communicate with you about your prize win!