Thursday, September 30, 2010

These cardinals trifle with me; I abhor this dilatory sloth and tricks of Rome. ~

Okay, I know I’ve been off the bloggy radar of late—this play is taking up all my time. We open tomorrow night…. [oh crap!—I have to do this in front of people.]

Anywho, things have been bubbling along. But there is a trend that is really boggling my mind—and amusing me at the same time.

There are 3 recent events that started this train of thought:

◊ We purchased a floor fan for my mothers bedroom.

◊ Our landlords replaced the A/C unit in my bedroom because it only worked on one setting and it was making a popping noise.

◊ I purchased a newer car—a 2001 Honda Civic.

E, you ask, “What do these three things have to do with each other [other than your contribution to ending the recession]? “

Well, I’ll tell you—the fan and the air conditioner both came with remote controls and the car has automatic door locks and windows.

AMERICA—this is why we are so out of shape!!! Good god people, are we no longer capable of rolling a car window up and down on our own? Can we not walk across the room to:

a) Change channels

b) Turn the frickin TV on or off

c) Turn a fan or air conditioner off

Just stew on that for a bit—I’ll be back later….. I’m gonna go channel surf.

Monday, September 13, 2010

There thou mightst behold the great image of authority—a dog's obeyed in office.~ King Lear

Okay—this isn’t the first time this has struck me—I’ve just decided to blog about it….       I was inspired by something I witnessed as I was waiting at a stop light this morning.      A weird ritual I have seen numerous times at assorted hours of the day as I drive about the burbs.

I’ve had a dog in the past and I loved her dearly, she was a member of our family. But, fortunately, our dog owning era ended before the “scooper laws” came into effect.      And it’s a good thing too—cause I think it’s a stupid law.

I mean it’s shit people—it’s biodegradable.     It doesn’t make sense.     As long as the stuff isn’t on the sidewalk, let nature take its course I say.      Why would you want to stick it in plastic bags and then throw it in the trash where it will fester and smell to high heaven?     


This morning I watched this very well-dressed young corporate type conducting what I assumed was a business call as his dog crapped on the lawn of a law office nearby.      [I know, some might think that’s poetic justice and for that reason he shouldn’t have had to pick it up….]       There he is, looking all yuppie, scooping do-do.       I cracked up when I saw that his leash had a receptacle on the end of it that held plastic poop bags.

Yeah—a yuppie.

And we are supposedly the superior species on this planet.      Yet, we’re the ones picking up the poo.      Weird.

I think that’s why life forms from other planets haven’t contacted us.     They observed us for awhile and assumed the dogs were the ones in charge.

… And they might think this is real:   

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Thou hast done a deed whereat valour will weep.

ots swirling around in my mind of late…. Not the least of which are my lines for the show I’m in.

It  has been almost 3 years since my last acting gig, and I am seriously out of practice in the memorization department.     If you don’t use a skill regularly, it gets rusty—and I am proving that right now.      So I am really struggling to get the dialogue into my memory bank—I even wondered if banging the script repeatedly against my forehead would work.     It didn’t.

 I’m also worried about why the “check engine” light came on today in the car I’ve owned for less that 2 weeks—please God don’t let me start with a whole new set of car issues.     I couldn’t take it.    Guess who’ll be calling the dealer tomorrow.
Then there’s the new position I applied for at work—and didn’t get.     It would have been totally up my alley, so I’m really disappointed.      I love the group of folks I work with, but I’m over the whole phone thing.     I need new challenges.      Well, I’ll keep looking for other opportunities... And hope my age isn’t going against me.

#   #   #

But the big thing my mind is wrestling with is how 9 years after the attacks of Sept. 11th we haven’t seemed to learn much of anything.      We have people attacking Muslims in parts of this country.    [How can you call yourself a Christian and want to burn a Holy Book.    And how can you have the gall to say you prayed to God and he told you to go ahead and do it??!!??]   We have people running immigrants out of their towns.      [My grandfather was an immigrant—should I not be here?]     
We still have people with the same ignorant attitudes that are causing others we share this planet with to hate us.     And I can’t really blame them.
I know that’s not going to be a popular viewpoint, but I’m just being honest here.     Why are we still so arrogant—and ignorant?     Where do we get off thinking our way is the only way to do things?     There are cultures in this world that have been around WAY longer than we have.  

For many years—since my days of being a student in Catholic school actually—I have said we should be teaching children all over the world about all religions and cultures.      The more you know about something, the less you fear it.  
I have tried in my own way during my adult years to learn about other religions and cultures.      And the differences aren’t what strike me—it’s the fundamental similarities.     We are all worshipping a deity of some sort—we just choose to call him different names.

So, get over yourselves America—we are not the “be all and end all” of how things should be done.   Open yourselves up to the wonder of how other people live—and worship.